Overview of NASA GRC Stirling Technology Development

Jeffrey Schreiber, Lanny Thieme
2003 1st International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC)   unpublished
1028574 The Stirling Radioisotope Generator (SRG) is currentl y being developed by Lockheed Martin Astronautics (LMA) under contract to the Depar1ment of Energy (DOE). The generator will be a high efficiency electlic power source for NASA Space Science missions with the capability to operate in the vac uum of deep space or in an atmosphere such as on the surface of Mars. High system efficiency is obtained through the use of free-piston Stirling power conversion technology. Power output of the
more » ... nerator will be greater than 100 watts at the beginning of life with the decline in power being largely due to the decay of the plutonium heat source. In suppOl1 of the DOE SRG project, the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) has established a near-term technology effort to provide some of the critical data to ensure a successful transition to flight for what will be the first dynamic power system used in space. Initially, a limited number of technical areas were selected for the GRC effort, however this is now being expanded to more thoroughly cover a range of technical issues. The tasks include in-house testing of Stirling convertors and controllers, materials evaluation and heater head life assessment, structural dynamics, electromagnetic interference, organics evaluation , and reliability analysis. Most of these high-level tasks have several subtasks within . There is also an advanced technology effort that is complementar"y near-term technology effort.
doi:10.2514/6.2003-6093 fatcat:6fcvbezgznfvxda4ftyq5xdzpa