Crossing Boundaries: Intergovernmental Records Cooperation, 1987-1997

Marie Allen, Bruce Dearstyne
1997 The American Archivist  
In the Information Age, traditional organizational and geographical barriers are falling. While overlapping jurisdictions and historical accidents occasionally led to the scattering and fragmentation of documentation in the past, modern federalism has accelerated and systematized problems with decentralization and fragmentation of government records in the United States. During the past decade, federal, state, and local government archivists and records managers have worked together on pilot
more » ... jects to address problems with historic and modern records fragmentation. These projects offer new approaches and experiences in the documentation of intergovernmental records and the development of a national perspective on the management of government records in the twenty-first century. Records Management Programs. She has received the SAA 's Waldo Gifford Leland Prize and MARAC's Arline Custer Memorial Award for archival description projects, and has published articles on information technology for archives, architectural history, international archival issues, archival description, and intergovernmental records cooperation. Allen holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in history from Duke University and the University of South Carolina.
doi:10.17723/aarc.60.2.f2q1641q4271286w fatcat:4feywacikjfmbidmsmiqysnl5q