Pitfalls of a power-law parametrization of the primordial power spectrum for primordial black hole formation

Anne M. Green
2018 Physical Review D  
Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) can form in the radiation dominated early Universe from the collapse of large density perturbations produced by inflation. A power-law parameterisation of the primordial power spectrum is often used to extrapolate from cosmological scales, where the amplitude of the perturbations is well-measured by Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure observations, down to the small scales on which PBHs may form. We show that this typically leads to large errors
more » ... the amplitude of the fluctuations on small scales, and hence extremely inaccurate calculations of the abundance of PBHs formed.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.98.023529 fatcat:ohuchuvnnfdordqa2im3libe7m