Crimes Against the Fundamentals of National Security in the Economic, Environmental and Military Spheres (2001 - February 2022)

M.M. Maskovita
2022 Zenodo  
This article considers the types of crimes against the foundations of national security in the economic, environmental and military spheres of Ukraine. The concepts of such terms as "sabotage", "explosion", "arson", "mass destruction of people", "injuries", "spread of epidemics", "spread of epiphytosis", "spread of epizootics", "subjective side of sabotage", "оbjective side of the sabotage" and others, given a description of the data definition. Crimes against Ukraine's national security are
more » ... of the most dangerous social encroachments, as they often cause enormous and dangerous consequences, many casualties and damage to such important areas as the economic, environmental and military spheres. Without adequate criminal and legal protection of public relations data, the adequate functioning of the state and its institutions is impossible. If there is no stability in society, it is impossible and effective to fight crime, including such dangerous offenses as murder, rape, robbery, robbery, etc. Therefore, there are articles in the Criminal Code that provide for liability for crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine, in particular against the foundations of national security in the economic, environmental and military spheres are presented in Section I of the Special Part. Since 2014, when there was a huge threat to national security in our country, this type of crime has risen to the first stage of legislative regulation. After all, the threat to national security is not stopped, but the crime rate in this area is quite high, so today it is relevant and necessary scientific articles, interpretations and studies in search of ways to improve criminal liability for the above offenses. Analyzing the above sources to determine crimes against the foundations of national security in the economic, environmental and military spheres, it is possible to identify their main type, namely sabotage. According to Article 113 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, it can be divided into: explosion, arson, contami [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7242528 fatcat:bgw2pzx52jd5pk4pqdpoemypoq