The Use of Constituent Concepts in the Description of Interaction Boundaries in Migrating Systems of the Type A + B Formula C + D

L. W. Nichol, A. G. Ogston
1967 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences  
Constituent concept and equations of continuity have been applied to elucidate the major features of transport patterns expected with migrating systems of the type A + B G + D. In contrast to simpler systems previously studied, the equilibrium constant characterizing the present system is dimensionless. In common with some previous approaches, only the time-independent chemical interaction is considered and effects of diffusional spreading are neglected. Following the derivation of general
more » ... usions pertinent to all cases, the eleven special cases involving at least one equality between the individual species velocities are discussed in detail (including one directly analogous to an isomerization reaction). It is found that reac tion boundaries may be sharp, spread or hypersharp; but with certain cases it has been possible only to indicate the locations of plateaux and boundaries, without specifying exactly the character and limits of some of the latter. The mathematical problems encountered in the treatment of these cases are discussed. For the majority of special cases treated, however, it has been possible to define all features of the migration pattern in terms of initially chosen parameters.
doi:10.1098/rspb.1967.0022 fatcat:l67rbpx2vna3bair6asxbpym6i