Making use of upper ontologies to foster interoperability between SKOS concept schemes

Salvador Sanchez‐Alonso, Elena Garcia‐Barriocanal, Miguel‐Angel Sicilia
2006 Online information review (Print)  
The SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) Core is a model for representing thesauri and similar types of knowledge organization systems as RDF graphs. Although it provides a basic framework for building concept schemes, SKOS does not carry the strictly defined semantics of formal ontology languages and thus has a number of shortcomings to fully port existing schemes to the Semantic Web. This paper introduces a mapping of SKOS metadata to an ontology-based intermediate model, whose main
more » ... is to foster the semantic interoperability of different concept schemes. It has been achieved through the introduction of a common ground for the definition of concepts, based on the use of shared definitions already included in widely-used upper ontologies. This effort makes use of an upper ontology in particular: OpenCyc, the open source version of Cyc, which is currently one of the most complete general knowledge bases.
doi:10.1108/14684520610675799 fatcat:6vwaubjm35cjzj4ykghw3pefvy