Evaluation of HTTP-based request-response streams for internet video streaming

Robert Kuschnig, Ingo Kofler, Hermann Hellwagner
2011 Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems - MMSys '11  
Adaptive video streaming based on TCP/HTTP is becoming popular because of its ability to adapt to changing network conditions. We present an in-depth experimental analysis of the use of HTTP-based request-response streams for video streaming. In this scheme, video fragments are fetched by a client from the server, in smaller units called chunks, potentially via multiple parallel HTTP requests (TCP connections). A model for the achievable throughput is formulated. The model is validated by a
more » ... d range of streaming experiments, including an evaluation of TCP-friendliness. Our findings include that request-response streams are able to scale with the available bandwidth by increasing the chunk size or the number of concurrent streams. Several combinations of system parameters exhibiting TCPfriendliness are presented. We also evaluate the video streaming performance in terms of video quality in the presence of packet loss. Multiple request-response streams are able to maintain satisfactory performance, while a single TCP connection deteriorates rapidly with increasing packet loss. The results provide experimental evidence that HTTPbased request-response streams are a good alternative to classical TCP streaming.
doi:10.1145/1943552.1943585 dblp:conf/mmsys/KuschnigKH11 fatcat:cvdigdnbevgkdngxa3rh2f6ssi