Hindcasting and Validation of Mumbai Oil Spills using GNOME

Prasad Sj, Balakrishnan Nair, Francis, Vijayalaksmi
2014 Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. International Science Congress Association   unpublished
Oil spill trajectory forecasting became mandatory for providing advisory services to the regulatory authorities during the event of oil spill, for planning their remediation and clean up measures. The present study describes a method to simulate the trajectory of the spilled oil using GNOME and validating it using available Radar data. The trajectory forecasting of two oil spill events, happened in mumbai high region, during 2010-2011 has been executed in hindcast mode using General NOAA
more » ... onal Modeling Environment. The forcing parameters such as, forecasted European Center of Medium Range Weather Forecast winds and Regional Ocean Modeling system currents were used for the execution. The likely areas which are to be affected are found from the prediction. The trajectory obtained from GNOME is compared with oil spill signatures obtained from the radar data of a particular time step. The observed oil slicks were found within the average distance of 3.73 km and 4.16 km from the prediction for MSC chitra spill and Mumbai uran trunk pipeline spill respectively. This trajectory model can be used for making the contingency plans, conducting the mock drills and during oil spill response & preparedness operations.