A revision of the genus Neosclerus Cameron (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae)
Volker Assing
Neosclerus Cameron, 1924 is closely related to Sunius Stephens, 1829 of the Medonina and is distributed in the Oriental and southern East Palaearctic regions. The genus is redescribed; its intra- and intergeneric phylogenetic affiliations are discussed. The types of all previously described species and additional material are revised. Twenty-six species are recognized, (re-)described, and illustrated, 19 of them for the first time: Neosclerus armatus sp. n. (Taiwan), N. barbatulus sp. n.
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... nd, Myanmar, China), N. barbatus sp. n. (Thailand), N. bicarinatus sp. n. (Vietnam), N. bifidus sp. n. (Taiwan), N. carinatus sp. n. (Taiwan), N. configens sp. n. (Taiwan), N. dupleseriatus sp. n. (N. India), N. erubescens sp. n. (Borneo), N. glaber sp. n. (S. China, Hongkong, Thailand, Malaysia), N. hlavaci sp. n. (China: Fujian, Jiangxi), N. inarmatus sp. n. (Taiwan), N. incisus sp. n. (China: Guangxi), N. praeacutus sp. n. (China: Yunnan), N. rimatus sp. n. (China: Guangxi), N. rougemonti sp. n. (Thailand), N. schillhammeri sp. n. (Myanmar), N. schuelkei sp. n. (China: Yunnan), N. smetanai sp. n. (Taiwan). Several additional species are listed, but not described, since they are represented only by females. The secondary homonym Lobochilus brachypterus Cameron, 1943 is replaced with Sunius cameroni nom. n. Two synonymies are proposed: Neosclerus brevipennis (Cameron, 1943) = Lobochilus houlberti (Coiffait, 1987), syn. n.; N. granulicollis Cameron, 1924 = N. frater Cameron, 1924, syn. n. Four new combinations are established: Neosclerus assamensis (Cameron, 1931), comb. n. (ex Lobochilus), N. javanus (Bernhauer, 1920); comb. n. (ex Lobochilus), N. nigerrimus (Kraatz, 1859); comb. n. (ex Lobochilus), and "Medon" labralis (Cameron, 1943), comb. n. (ex Neosclerus). Lectotypes are designated for Neosclerus fortepunctatus Cameron, 1924, N. granulicollis Cameron, 1924, N. frater Cameron, 1924, Lobochilus assamensis Cameron, 1931, and Lithocharis nigerrima Kraatz, 1859. Data on the distribution and natural history of the Neoscle [...]