[ICSTCEE 2020 Front matter]

2020 2020 International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE)  
Message From the Desk of the Chancellor Research and Innovation are the magical words at REVA and form the scaffold of the entire curriculum design. I am glad that REVA University is organizing the IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE) on the 9 th and 10 th of October, 2020 Research and development are the backbone of our curriculum at REVA. The staff and students are engaged vigorously in innovative research activities all
more » ... out the year. In this interconnected world it is evident that the role of research in an academic institution is significant for its sustainability and development and it is imperative to have knowledge driven growth, based on innovation. The key goal of the Conference is to continue the culture of Information Exchange and feedback on developing trends in technology ultimately resulting in the generation of new idea. In keeping with our practical approach to study, the conference will bring the manifesto to share everyone's experiences. I am sure the Conference will bring together not only researchers, students but also industrialists on the same forum. This would enhance the whole process of innovation in the field of Science and Technology.
doi:10.1109/icstcee49637.2020.9276939 fatcat:ubpp4ges6vdgdffncrr5exd5ym