Государственная и региональная поддержка семьи, материнства и детства на примере Кировской области

А.А. Набоких, А.Р. Малых
Annotation. Support for the family, motherhood and childhood is currently quite relevant, since it is one of the most important conditions for solving the demographic problem in Russia. Family, motherhood and childhood are an interconnected system of social factors that determine the state of society, as well as its development in any state. It is for this reason that special attention is needed on the part of the state to support the family, motherhood and childhood, due to the fact that only
more » ... hrough concern for the well-being of children and women is the population growth of the state ensured.
doi:10.34755/irok.2022.42.74.037 fatcat:kk3rnvaomvbjvfbr2dhqamf3ru