Shape Anisotropic Colloidal Particle Fabrication using 2-Photon Polymerization

Yug C. Saraswat, Fatma Ibis, Laura Rossi, Luigi Sasso, Huseyin Burak Eral, Paola Fanzio
2019 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science  
Our ability to dictate the colloid geometry is intimately related to self-assembly. The synthesis of anisotropic colloidal particles is currently dominated by wet chemistry and lithographic techniques. The wet chemical synthesis offers limited particle geometries at bulk quantities. Lithographic techniques, on the other hand, provide precise control over the particle shape, although at lower yields. In this respect, two-photon polymerization (2PP)1 has attracted growing attention due to its
more » ... ity to automatically fabricate complex micro/nano structures with high resolution. We manufacture precisely designed colloids with sizes ranging from 1 µm to 10 µm with 2PP and optimize the process parameters for each dimension. Moreover, we study the shape dependent Brownian motion of these particles with video microscopy and estimate their diffusion coefficients. We observe that increasing the geometrical anisotropy leads to a pronounced deviation from the analytically predicted diffusion coefficient for disks with a given aspect ratio. The deviation is attributed to stronger hydrodynamic coupling with increasing anisotropy. We demonstrate, for the first time, 2PP manufacturing of colloids with tailored geometry. This study opens synthesis of colloidal building blocks to a broader audience with limited access to cleanrooms or wet-chemistry know-how.
doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2019.12.035 pmid:31901833 fatcat:q636xz5tmbfvvlwiigizz6ax7e