Index [unknown]

2022 Engineering Physics of High‐Temperature Materials   unpublished
Index 300 mm diameter polariscopes 69-70 a acoustic emission (AE) testing grain-boundary embrittlement 241-245 principles 114-116 AE see acoustic emission airborne synthetic aperture radar 372-376 allotropy 33 alloys material properties 48-55 see also individual alloys... α-alloys, titanium-based 54 α-β-alloys, titanium-based 54 β-alloys, titanium-based 54 α-Fe see ferrite phases amorphous solids characteristics 43-44 continuous random-network model 33 cracking modalities 5 glass transitions
more » ... 41 random close-packing model 34 random-coil model 33-34 structure 33-34 thermal tempering 42-43 see also glass anelastic creep see delayed elastic creep; time-dependent elastic creep annealing, glass 136-137 antiphase boundary defects 39 apparent activation energy, cracking 257-258 Arctic and Arctic Research Institute (ARRI) borehole indenter 121-123 ARRI see Arctic and Arctic Research Institute Ashby-Verrall (A-V) creep 15-16, 133-134 asphalt concrete, thermal cycling 113-114, 115-116 ASTM C848-88 test 97 ASTM E-139 105 austenite phases (γ-Fe) 49-50 Australia, First Nations 2 A-V creep see Ashby-Verrall creep average rupture rate 223 average viscous strain rates 21 c C60 see buckminsterfullerene Canada Dow's Lake studies 347-356 postglacial uplift 346 cantilever beam bending tests 102-103 carbide precipitates 39, 51 carbon allotropes 33 401
doi:10.1002/9781119420507.index fatcat:owy5cetgbjd7xpqpjkwqjeovfe