The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
j q \ Educational Serv ed through local ^ • M. _ to wen; to the children of wh0 died m service to nd to the Americans who h allied armies. A ssist ers the men in their choice ons, in securing education aining employment. It is at rural, city, railroad, in born! and other classifiiemobilized men shall have ideation iii the benefits ice. This service incl.ides, rary scholarships tor gencation in V. M. C. A. schools er approved schools; in cor nice cours'to he conducteo united
more » ... M. C. A. schools ethnical schools, colleges, and ties; second, occupational reentservice; third, reconstiuc--res. and, fourth, American-Allotment Basis. and, when approved for scholw ill be allotted to states on .. of SIO per 1000 inhabit-: is expected that a total or scholarship' will be awarded the current year.
doi:10.26153/tsw/19127 fatcat:ptp6knctqjaanoyx3el6pxxwpu