IKT podpora zavedenia systému Balanced Scorecard na Slovensku

Jozef Glova, Beáta Gavurová
2013 Acta academica karviniensia  
The article provides a view of ICT support for the introduction and use of Balanced Scorecard in Slovakia. We assess the technical implementation of BSC through the evaluation of the methodology and the tools supporting the implementation of the BSC. Questionnaires and controlled interviews have been used within 16 Slovak ICT companies with implemented BSC system. Nowadays, managers are offered wide range of software tools, which not only declare the results, but also map the strategy and show
more » ... he relationship of cause and effect, plan and create scenarios. Given today's large volumes of data, the difficulty of collecting, processing and archiving, we believe that IT support is necessary for successful implementation of the system. This is confirmed by research results, where almost one third of respondents use a model approach of the implementation of BSC. The model approach is significantly different from approaches in management theory, mostly in strong link to external support tool -software. Application of any software solution should take into account that the BSC is a management system, not a system for dealing with information and technical problems in the company.
doi:10.25142/aak.2013.062 fatcat:nm34egsggrfcbmie3nt3fccexa