Other-Repair in Japanese Conversations Between Nonnative and Native Speakers

Yuri Hosoda
Although a preference for self-repair over other-repair has been observed in both native speaker (NS) discourse (e.g., Schegloff, Jefferson, & Sacks, 1977) and nonnative speaker (NNS) discourse (e.g.. Firth, 1996), researchers note that other-repair still often occurs, especially in interactions with NNSs (e.g., Varonis & Gass, 1983). The present study examines conditions under which other-repair occurs and the response to other-repair in natural NS/NNS conversations in Japanese. Analysis of
more » ... data reveals the importance ofinterlocutors 'mutual orientation to each other 's verbal and non-verbal behavior in the shaping of other-repair and responses to the repair, particularly in NS/NNS conversation. Yuri Hosoda holds an Masters of Education Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from Temple University Japan where she is currently a doctoral student. She has taught English to university students in Japan. Her research interests include conversation analysis, discourse analysis, second language acquisition, and second/foreign language teaching.