Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum [entry]

SpringerReference   unpublished
A case of multifocal necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum in a 57 years old fe male pa tient is pre sented. An woman with med i cal his tory of red, el e vated skin patches over the right leg skin, that dated sev eral years back was ad mit ted. The clin i cal pic ture of necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum was ob served, the old est le sion be ing ul cer ated. Ex am i na tions found di a be tes in the pa tient, the histologic re sult con firm ing the di a betic type of necrobiosis. The case is dis
more » ... cussed with re gard to the less com monly ob served multifocal appearance of skin lesions.
doi:10.1007/springerreference_41909 fatcat:p75ve7nowjf3xg26z7gjj7zpea