A study on the gazetteer as geospatial information infrastructure in public works

Ryuichi Imai, Fumihiko Kanazawa, Minoru Takao, Kunihiro Ishii, Ryosuke Shibasaki
2007 journal of Civil Engineering Information Processing System  
Various types of information systems have been developed in public works along with the advancement of informatization. The geographic identifier such as address indicates the location of objects is often comprising construction information. The gazetteer that ties a variety of geographic identifier mutually contributes to the effective retrieval and use of information in the system with huge construction information. In this study, first of all, we analyzed the business of public asset
more » ... nt works, and extracted the geographic identifier used in those processes. Moreover, we developed the gazetteer and information retrieval system experimentally compliant with the related standards, and proved the effectiveness of gazetteer in the scenes of construction information retrieval. Finally, we summarized the findings as the guideline for maintenance and operation of the gazetteer in public works.
doi:10.2208/journalac2003.16.0_63 fatcat:7ohce55dhjbuxmmnmqd64pu2mu