Development of Multi-body Dynamics Analysis Program with Constraints using CFEM
CFEM을 이용한 구속조건이 있는 다물체 운동해석 프로그램 개발

Sun-Ho Park, Seung-Soo Lee
2012 Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences  
In this study, Constraint Force Equation Methodology (CFEM) is used to develop a multi-body dynamic analysis program with constraints. Seven constraint models are implemented to analyze constraint motions of multiple bodies. The augmented equations with the constraints are solved with the 4th order Runge-Kutta method for higher degree of accuracy. The analysis code is verified by comparing the analysis results of the motion of bodies with various constraints to published results. 초 록 본 연구에서는
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doi:10.5139/jksas.2012.40.2.101 fatcat:quzmjrq56nhazmznkznmgac72u