Optimized Mixture Ratio in YSZ-Supported Ni-YSZ Anode Material for SOFC

Hibiki Itoh, Yoshiko Hiei, Tohru Yamamoto, Masashi Mori, Takao Watanabe
2001 ECS Proceedings Volumes  
Ni-YSZ cermets are generally used as anodes in SOFCs. The authors have proposed a new concept for the microstructure of anodes, referred to as "YSZ-supported anodes." A feature of this material is that, unlike other materials, the YSZ powders are divided into coarse and fíne particles. Comparative analysis of the properties of the material has revealed improved long-term stability. Samples were prepared with varying levels of coarse and fine YSZ and NiO powders, with average particle sizes of
more » ... .0, 0.4 and 1.0/zm, respectively. To optimize the mixture ratio of the three powders, volume shrinkage, porosity ratios and electrical conductivity were investigated under both SOFC fabricatrion and operation atmospheres. Electrode performances were also measured and compared. The results provide evidence for an optimal mixture ratio for YSZ-supported anodes.
doi:10.1149/200116.0750pv fatcat:3lme52kql5hatco55zdvhbjgzy