Discussion on Thermodynamic Formula and the Gas-Liquid Equilibrium Condition for Spherical Droplet

Ai-Chang LI, 廊坊师范学院化学与材料科学学院, 河北 廊坊 065000, Faculty of Chemistry and Material Science, Langfang Teachers University, Langfang 065000, Hebei Province, P. R. China, Di ZHAO
2017 University Chemistry  
Thermodynamic formula for the spherical droplet was obtained from the different analysis aspect based on the first/second law of thermodynamic. It should be pointed out that the pressure in formula is liquid pressure, but not gas pressure. According to the entropy and Gibbs free energy criteria, it was proved that the vapor-liquid equilibrium condition is that the chemical potentials of two bulk phase are equal. It is noted that the phase equilibrium condition can not only be applied for the
more » ... erical droplet, but also for others shape droplets, and whether it is isolated system or a closed system and the type. In addition, the relevant problems in the literatures were discussed in detail and some obscure opinions were clarified.
doi:10.3866/pku.dxhx201609019 fatcat:l7woob4yhvczrpswpaqzqlkuiu