Effect of Anchor Borrowers Programme (ABP) on Technical Efficiency of Beneficiary Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria

Gona Ayuba, Mahmud Abba, Maikasuwa Mohammed Abubakar
2020 International Journal of Agricultural Economics  
The study examined the effect of Anchor Borrowers Programme on technical efficiency of beneficiary rice farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria. A Multi stage sampling technique was used to select 500 beneficiary and non-beneficiary rice farmers each giving a sample size of 1000 rice farmers for the study. Data collected were analyzed using stochastic frontier production function. Results from the technical efficiency estimates showed that the beneficiary rice farmers had mean value of 0.91 while the
more » ... n-beneficiary farmers had mean value of 0.79 The study indicated that although both categories of farmers were inefficient in the use of existing resources, the ABP beneficiaries are more technically efficient suggesting that ABP enhances the technical efficiency of the beneficiary farmers. Results also show that for the beneficiary rice farmers, Age was significant and positively related to technical efficiency at 12% level of probability and Educational level, Farming experience, membership of cooperative, seed variety, planting technology and income level had negative relationship with technical efficiency at 1% level of probability while for non-beneficiary farmers. Age had positive relationship with technical efficiency at 1% while Educational level, Farming experience, membership of cooperative, seed variety, planting technology and income level had negative relationship with technical efficiency at 1% level of probability. It is recommended that Policies should be tailored towards inclusiveness of more farmers into the ABP. The programme should also be extended to cater for other subsectors of the Agricultural sectors such as Livestock and Aquaculture.
doi:10.11648/j.ijae.20200504.13 fatcat:yt4rf5pm4ncelhfb3xj6rejwti