Technology and Teaching: A Conversation among Faculty Regarding the Pros and Cons of Technology

Andrew Kemp, John Preston, C. Page, Rebecca Harper, Benita Dillard, Joseph Flynn, Misato Yamaguchi
2014 The Qualitative Report  
Technology is often touted as the savior of education (Collins & Haverson, 2009). However, is technology the panacea that it is made out to be? This paper is an extended conversation among a group of faculty members at three different universities and their attitudes and beliefs about technology and education. Three professors shared their pro-technology stance and three took a less favorable view. The contents of the conversation were then analyzed by a neutral party to extract the various
more » ... es that emerged. What was discovered was that were three major threads to the conversation: technology and educational access, online education, and technology and instructional strategies. While there was little agreement, throughout the evolution of the conversation, both sides began to understand each other a little more.
doi:10.46743/2160-3715/2014.1284 fatcat:vcwnbdlgpjg4rffy6gopw7zfu4