Analytic Solution of Wave Propagating over Depressive Seabed
함몰지형 위를 통과하는 파의 변형에 관한 해석해

Soo-Young Kim, Seung-Oh Lee, Tae-Hwa Jung
2012 The Journal of the Korea Contents Association  
An analytic solution to the extended mild-slope equation was derived for waves propagating over an axi-symmetric pit. The water depth inside the pit was in proportion to a power of radial distance from the center of pit. The equation was transformed into the ordinary differential equation using the method of separation of variables. The coefficients of differential terms were expressed as an explicit form composing of the phase and group velocities. The bottom curvature and the square of bottom
more » ... slope terms, which were added to the extended mild-slope equation, were expressed as power series. Finally, using the Frobenius series, the analytic solution to the extended mild-slope equation was derived. The present analytic solution was validated by comparing with the numerical solution obtained from FEM. ■ keyword :|Extended Mild Slope Equation|Depressive Seabed|Analytic Solution|
doi:10.5392/jkca.2012.12.03.434 fatcat:6ze2sbvgwfg7bjk4apjpkhp66y