Promotion of Unopposed Elections in Haryana Panchayats: A Visionary Approach

S. L. Kundu
2013 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
The success of democracy depends upon free and fair elections. Elections serve as a means of communication between the public and government. It is a process through which leaders are selected by vote for a political office. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 marked a new era in the democratic set up of the country as it created Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) as third tier of the federal set up. It gives considerable attention to the nature of elections for the three levels of
more » ... ayati raj institutions. Direct elections are specified for seats at all levels. The act provides for one additional potential avenue of representation and accountability of local government. Unopposed elections are the reflection of mature democratic trend.
doi:10.9790/0837-1466265 fatcat:ep7nfptmwvaldodoeeth677btq