Acute Renal Failure Management in the Neonate

Annabelle N. Chua, Minnie M. Sarwal
2005 NeoReviews  
did not disclose any financial relationships relevant to this article. Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to: 1. Define the types and delineate the causes of acute renal failure (ARF) in neonates. 2. Describe the laboratory tests and imaging studies used to diagnose ARF. 3. Explain the roles of fluid balance, diuretics, dopamine, and nutrition in the management of neonatal ARF. 4. Describe the approaches to treating hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, calcium-phosphorus
more » ... turbations, acidosis, and hypertension in ARF. 5. Review the outcome and prognosis for ARF in neonates.
doi:10.1542/neo.6-8-e369 fatcat:muzjhb4pfzdclp64vnru2nsoj4