Magnetic phase diagrams of erbium

B. H. Frazer, J. R. Gebhardt, N. Ali
1999 Journal of Applied Physics  
The magnetic phase diagrams of erbium in the magnetic field-temperature plane have been constructed for applied magnetic fields along the a and b axes. For an a-axis applied field our H -T phase diagrams determined from magnetization and magnetoresistance data are in good agreement and consistent with that of Jehan et al. for temperatures below 50 K. A splitting of the basal plane Néel temperature (T NЌ ) above 3.75 T introduces two new magnetic phases. Also a transition from a fan to a canted
more » ... an phase as suggested by Jehan et al. is observed in an increasing field below T C . Our phase diagram for a b-axis applied field constructed from magnetization data is very similar to the phase diagram of Watson and Ali using magnetoresistance measurements. However, the anomaly at 42 K reported by Watson and Ali is not observed in the present study. No splitting of the T NЌ transition is observed in either work for a field applied along the b axis.
doi:10.1063/1.370274 fatcat:v4hvhqsg3bgkfgsubh7bqcsddq