Embryonic development of human lice: rearing conditions and susceptibility to spinosad

Gastón Mougabure Cueto, Eduardo Zerba, María Inés Picollo
2006 Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz  
The embryonic development of human lice was evaluated according to the changes in the morphology of the embryo observed through the transparent chorion. Based on ocular and appendage development, three stages of embryogenesis were established: early, medium, and late. Influence of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on the laboratory rearing of Pediculus humanus capitis eggs was assessed. The optimal ranges for temperature and RH were 27-31°C and 45-75%. The susceptibility of human louse
more » ... to insecticide spinosad (a macrocyclic lactone) was assessed by immersion method. The results showed similar susceptibility to spinosad in early, medium, and late stages of head lice eggs. In addition, this study showed similar susceptibility of head and body lice eggs to spinosad, an insecticide that has not been used as pediculicide in Argentina (lethal concentration 50: 0.01%).
doi:10.1590/s0074-02762006000300005 pmid:16862318 fatcat:t327ipcsuveslhuwjkoq2aygka