الدلالات الدعویة فی قصة إسلام ثمامة بن أثال - رضی الله عنه - جمعاً ودراسة

أحمد منصور مفرح آل طالع
2022 المجلة العلمیة لکلیة أصول الدین والدعوة بالزقازیق جامعة الأزهر  
This study dealt with the identification of the great companion Thumama bin Athal, and it showed that he is a great companion and master of the people of Al-Yamamah, and the study mentioned the story of his conversion to Islam, then it showed the advocacy implications deduced from the story of his conversion to Islam in the aspect of his keenness to guide people, and that affliction is a divine Sunnah, and keenness on the borders of the country Hearing and obeying the command, dealing well with
more » ... non-Muslims, bringing people down to their homes, steadfastness on the principle, and exploiting the social position of the preacher in calling to God, then the study summarized the most important results and the most prominent recommendations. The importance of the topic lies first: the subject's connection to the Year of the Prophet Muhammad, where it deals with the da'wa semantics in the story of Thamama ibn Athal al-Hanafi, so that the preacher stands on the citizens of sermons and lessons, who are in them and use them in his call. Second: The books of the year contained a track record of the honorable companions and their position with the call to God of higher values, high ideals, virtuous morals, good example, these values and others are too many to count so it had to stand On their biographies and news, to be a medicine for hearts, and as a role model from which the preachers to God are provided in their prayer journey, it makes the heart increase faith in God, and establish in the soul the perfection of certainty in the promises of God and fortitude in the face of sedition, tribulations and afflictions.
doi:10.21608/fraz.2022.227970 fatcat:eedvaaqemvhnzdzpczzwqfqf6i