Velocity-matched distributed photodetectors and balanced photodetectors with p-i-n photodiodes

M.S. Islam, S. Murthy, T. Itoh, M.C. Wu, D. Novak, R.B. Waterhouse, D.L. Sivco, A.Y. Cho
2001 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques  
We report on the first demonstration of velocity-matched distributed photodetectors and balanced photodetectors with p-i-n photodetectors. Record-high linear dc photocurrent of 45 mA has been achieved without suffering from thermal damage, thanks to the superior power handling capability of p-i-n photodiodes. A novel fiber alignment technique has been developed to achieve high linear photocurrent. More than 37 dB of common-mode-rejection ratio and 45-dB suppression of laser relative intensity
more » ... ise over a broad frequency range have been achieved using the distributed balanced photodetectors in an RF fiber-optic link. The frequency response is flat from 1 to 35 GHz. . Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9480(01)08713-0. Dalma Novak (S'90-M'91) received the Bachelor of Engineering (electrical) (with first-class honors) and the Ph.D. degree from the
doi:10.1109/22.954807 fatcat:5ackachmdncmvbi27rritsardy