Self-organized Fission Control Algorithm for Flocking System with Time Delay

Panpan Yang, Maode Yan, Xiaokang Lei
2017 International Journal of Control and Automation  
The self-organized fission control problem for flocking system with time delay is studied in this paper. Firstly, the basic fission mechanism inspired by the splitting phenomena of biological flocks is addressed and an information coupling degree (ICD) based fission strategy as well as a pairwise interaction rule is developed. Then, by taking the time delay effect into consideration, a self-organized fission control algorithm that integrates a pairwise interaction rule is proposed, which
more » ... s the spontaneous splitting of a cohesive flock into multiple subgroups under the effect of multiple conflict external stimuli. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
doi:10.14257/ijca.2017.10.10.07 fatcat:joewndouxjbpjihwshtivtgyfu