درجة امتلاك القدرات العقلية لدى لاعبي التنس الأرضي في الأردن

نضال مصطفى محمد بني سعيد, منصور نزال الزبون, نزار محمد الويسي
2018 مجلة المنارة للبحوث والدراسات  
the study aimed at exploring the possession Degree of mental abilities (The ability of imagination, mental preparation, self-confidence, anxiety, concentrate) among tennis players in Jordan. The researchers used a descriptive approach ,a sample consisting of (37) tennis players in Jordan, To measure the degree of mental abilities, the researchers amend the measure which was designed by British researcher in sports psychology -Richard Butler -North Wales University, consisting of (20) items. The
more » ... study results showed that the degree of tennis players' owning of mental abilities was low-grade at all
doi:10.33985/0531-024-001-014 fatcat:ntrbto75efdspmxhe2t7l4mrju