Semantic Matchmaking for Kinect-Based Posture and Gesture Recognition

Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Maria Di Summa, Saverio Ieva, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Marco Sacco
2014 International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC)  
Innovative analysis methods applied to data extracted by o®-the-shelf peripherals can provide useful results in activity recognition without requiring large computational resources. In this paper a framework is proposed for automated posture and gesture recognition, exploiting depth data provided by a commercial tracking device. The detection problem is handled as a semanticbased resource discovery. A general data model and the corresponding ontology provide the formal underpinning for posture
more » ... nd gesture annotation via standard Semantic Web languages. Hence, a logic-based matchmaking, exploiting non-standard inference services, allows to: (i) detect postures via on-the-°y comparison of the annotations with standard posture descriptions stored as instances of a proper Knowledge Base; (ii) compare subsequent postures in order to recognize gestures. The framework has been implemented in a prototypical tool and experimental tests have been carried out on a reference dataset. Preliminary results indicate the feasibility of the proposed approach.
doi:10.1142/s1793351x14400169 fatcat:n56b2fzpcfferccis74v3lzwhe