The Role of Pitti*g Conosion In Reliabilig)

Assessrnent Low, Alloy Steels, Carbaa Steel, Albys Lam)r-A H, Dawood
2005 E@. & Te.hEoloqv   unpublished
Abstrqc, Siace rcliebilb of at eqtipmew ar couqronenl is inlrrerrced th.ongh a pmdact tife cycla u.s a ,esrt, of dcrciencies occarirrg in deslgn, paodxcliol ot dae lo etTeraal tsetors (end-environrrreals). fhe ellect of pitlinS eo.rosiort on reliqbilr, of differer to$' alla! steels, atd e*bon slcel allols are ertin ared in lhit stzd! so os ro notice the foilures tlrat n a! resrtll ih the end ervi.orrment. Resatts sho , ,hal the reliqbw decreaset drasralicalb ss pi, densily an.l average pi,
more » ... ino"ase, for aII thr 3t dizd alt4$, i1 o pay ,hat lh? atllrls ,nr* ,o non-uselbt lrom reliabili4, point of ticto. Retiobw h lers efleLred ty lhe cofiNion fik o! t*e telatire otloy. bdter dtsclibe pitting eorrosion ralher ahan the cofiasion .sre.