Engineering Inventions

1882 Scientific American  
A self-acting car coupling, which is adapted to be attached to and used with the ordinary link and pin drawheads, has been patented by Mr. Joseph n. Wilson, of Kansas City, Mo. The coupling consists principally of collars attached to the drawhead8 by pins which P'sS through them and the ordinary pin holes in the drawheads. The collars are provided with suitable locking devices, and are so constructed as to be partially rotated upon the drawheads by means of pivoted weighted levers. The rotary
more » ... vement of the collars on the drawheads serves to operate the locking devices, to couple or uncouple the cars, as may be desired. The weighted levers may be operated from the top or sides of car as desired. An improved automatic car coupling bas been patented by Mr. Charles E. McCarthy, of Fursyth, Ga. In a vertical recess, back of the throat of the draw head, is a trigger bar pivoted at its lower end, and its upper is formed into a catch and extends through a slot in the drawhead back of the pin hole. A tubular pro jection above the pin hole sustain3 a short headless piu, and a latch that iIs pivoted in a slot in the rear wall of the projection projects across the pin hole and forms a support for the pin, wheu it is elevated, while the other end passes uuder the catch of the vertical trigger bar. 'l'he pin being sustained on the latch, whenever the link enters the drawhead, it pushes back the trigger bar, and the weight of the pin tips the latch, allowing it to drop through the link and couple the cars_
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican08191882-122 fatcat:62laukyy7zgwnbltecdz2gn72y