Building the RCEP: Legal and Political Implications

Pasha L. Hsieh
2019 Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting  
The Trump administration declared the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific" (FOIP) strategy as the new U.S. policy on Asia in 2017. This new strategy will have far-reaching implications for U.S.-Asia relations and global governance. The FOIP is conventionally perceived to focus on security dimensions. By "free," the United States expects all countries "to exercise their sovereignty free from coercion by other countries."1 The qualifier, "open," is meant to refer to regional connectivity, in particular
more » ... cluding freedom of navigation.2 Notably, the economic dimensions of this component also envision "fair and reciprocal trade" and "transparent agreements."
doi:10.1017/amp.2019.192 fatcat:rlznvfwth5cvtahjiw2xmig7xa