Effect of Surface Modification of Magnetic Powder by CVD on Its Pigment Dispersibility and Mechanical Properties of Its Paint Films

Minoru TSUBOTA, Kazunari UEDA, Hiroshi FUKUI
2010 Journal of the Japan Society of Colour Material  
In this paper, we investigated the effect of surface modification of magnetic particles on their dispersibility and the physical properties of their paints. By CVD process, a thin layer of cross-linked polymethylsiloxane PMS was formed on a whole particle. This PMS layer played roles of a barrier of magnetic attractions and increasing a wettability to the binders used. The PMS layer contributed to the improvement of the dispersibility and the compatibility to the binders, and the breaking
more » ... tion of the films filled with the particles having PMS increased more than 4 times of those with untreated particles. The CVD process was effective in the coating fields.
doi:10.4011/shikizai.83.59 fatcat:cjzbdunbsnabbctzgt76rnap7q