The reaction of skin temperature of limbs to heated conditions in winter and the influence of socks

Norio Miyamoto, Norihisa Muto, Hiroshi Yoshikawa
1988 Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Hygiene)  
In winter, many people have trouble with chilliness in their arms and legs. Many women are especially, sensitive to cold, and the chilliness of their hands and feet is difficult to ease even after entering a warm environment. They even feel pain owing to coldness of the limbs in daily life. This study will attempt to investigate the problem of chilliness of the limbs in females. The subjects were twenty female junior college students dressed in their own winter clothes, who were located in a
more » ... d, winter environment (12℃, 40%R. H.) just prior to the commencement of the experiment. They then changed to sportswear and entered a heated environment (25℃, 55%R. H.).
doi:10.1265/jjh.42.1045 fatcat:gpioudgnjvabndyoa5g3kczzpy