Additive manufacturing applications in medical cases: A literature based review

Mohd. Javaid, Abid Haleem
2017 Alexandria Journal of Medicine  
Background: A significant number of the research paper on Medical cases using Additive manufacturing studied. Different applications of additive manufacturing technologies in the medical area analysed for providing the state of the art and direction of the development. The aim of work: To illustrate the Additive Manufacturing technology as being used in medical and its benefits along-with contemporary and future applications. Materials and methods: Literature Review based study on Additive
more » ... acturing that are helpful in various ways to address medical problems along with bibliometric analysis been done. Result: Briefly described the review of forty primary applications of AM as used for medical purposes along with their significant achievement. Process chain development in the application of AM is identified and tabulated for every process chain member, its achievement and limitations for various references. There are five criteria which one can achieve through medical model when made through AM technology.
doi:10.1016/j.ajme.2017.09.003 fatcat:ivpxpa62gjb5ddqes7itji2nea