The Control of Imported Pests Recently Found in New Jersey

Harry B. Weiss
1918 Journal of Economic Entomology  
However, the state is still far from being safe for horticulture. There is an immense field for work still. The results which the Inspection Service has accompli13hed, through the cooperation of the nurserymen, fruit-growers, county agricultural agents and the other forces of the Agricultural College and Experiment Station, han won for it the confidence and good will and support of the fruit-growers and nurserymen. During the past twelve months the florists have organized the Florists'
more » ... on, the nurserymen, the Nurserymen's Association and the State Horticultural Society has taken on new life, and they are all behind the Inspection Service. This will go a long ways to insure adequate financial support from the next legislature. With the continued cooperation of the nurserymen and fruit-growers and adequate financial support, the Inspection Service will he able to carry out its full program.
doi:10.1093/jee/11.1.122 fatcat:pnymducfxfff5kvgxnsg3jnyzy