Displaying character strengths in behavior is related to well-being and achievement at school: Evidence from between- and within-person analyses [post]

Lisa Wagner, Willibald Ruch
2021 unpublished
In two studies, we establish the association between different assessments of character strengths (i.e., traits, habitual and daily behavior at school) with well-being and achievement at school. Study 1 (N = 414, mean age = 14.14 years) demonstrated that habitual strengths-related behavior at school accounted for unique variance in well-being at school and in achievement beyond the influence of the respective character strength trait. Further, the desirability of certain strengths (e.g.,
more » ... rance, fairness, forgiveness, and humor) at the classroom level accounted for additional variance in students' well-being. Study 2 (N = 186, mean age = 14.27 years) used a diary design across five days to replicate the between-person associations and study within-person associations. Results revealed that daily strengths-related behavior predicted well-being on the following day. Overall, the results underline the importance of strengths-related behavior at school and suggest that all 24 character strengths are relevant for well-being at school.
doi:10.31234/osf.io/bphrk fatcat:iixmtakmrfhgznrjvpgy7dyqxu