Edge-Disjoint Fibonacci Trees in Hypercube

Indhumathi Raman, Lakshmanan Kuppusamy
2014 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications  
The Fibonacci tree is a rooted binary tree whose number of vertices admit a recursive definition similar to the Fibonacci numbers. In this paper, we prove that a hypercube of dimensionhadmits two edge-disjoint Fibonacci trees of heighth, two edge-disjoint Fibonacci trees of heighth-2, two edge-disjoint Fibonacci trees of heighth-4and so on, as subgraphs. The result shows that an algorithm with Fibonacci trees as underlying data structure can be implemented concurrently on a hypercube network with no communication latency.
doi:10.1155/2014/498349 fatcat:zkfixvvvv5ajdbydhaljo73mr4