Object Distance Measurement System Using Monocular Camera on Vehicle

Fussy Mentari Dirgantara, Arief Syaichu-Rohman, Lenni Yulianti
2019 Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics  
To support autonomous vehicles that are currently often studied by various parties, the authors propose to make a system of predicting the distance of objects using monocular cameras on vehicles. Distance prediction uses four methods and the input parameter was obtained from images processed with MobileNets SSD. Calculations using linear regression are the simplest calculations among the four methods but have an error of 1% with a standard deviation of 1.65 meters. While using the first method,
more » ... the average error value is 9% with a standard deviation of 0.43 meters. By using the second calculation, the average error resulted in 6% with a standard deviation of 0.35 meters. The experimental method had an average error of 1% with a standard deviation of 0.26 meters, so the experimental method was used.
doi:10.11591/eecsi.v6i0.1953 fatcat:sceyyxpikvcl3jrxwlkulmmqme