Docker for DSpace – Lowering the Barrier of Entry for New Contributors

Terrence W Brady, Pascal-Nicolas Becker
2019 Zenodo  
In 2018, the DSpace project began publishing Docker images for each major branch of DSpace. These published images have already provided the DSpace developer community with greater flexibility in running and testing DSpace. Additionally, these published images provide a tremendous opportunity for on-boarding new DSpace contributors. By easing the setup of DSpace, Docker helps people to test DSpace configuration changes, DSpace versions, or even code changes without the need to fully understand
more » ... ow to install DSpace on their own. This workshop has been designed to reach all of these audiences: DSpace developers, new DSpace contributors, and people that want to test DSpace easily. Docker provides users with a consistent and predictable runtime environment. Docker allows a user to manage multiple (and incompatible) environments from a single desktop or test server. For example, you can run different versions of DSpace, or DSpace with different versions of Java with ease. Attendees will leave the session with the ability to run DSpace 6 and DSpace 7 in Docker on their machine, to tweak the configuration of these installations, and to recompile and restart DSpace in case of code changes or additions.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3553855 fatcat:3czjc7tihbfktle6himb33iu6a