UV Spectrophotometric method for estimation of oxolamine citrate from bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulation

Rele Rajan, Sawant Swapnil
2012 Scholars Research Library Der Pharma Chemica   unpublished
A simple , rapid, sensitive and precise UV spectrophtometric method have been developed for the estimation of oxolamine citrate from bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulation. In this method oxolamine citrate showed maximum absorbance at about 237 nm in methanol. Beer's law was followed in the concentration range of 1 to 14 µg/ ml. Regression equation was found to be y = 0.066 x-0.0008 and coefficient of correlation was 0.9990. The proposed method is accurate, sensitive, reproducible and useful
more » ... or the estimation of oxolamine citrate from bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulation.