A dispersive optical model potential for nucleon induced reactions on238U and232Th nuclei with full coupling

José Manuel Quesada, EfremS. Soukhovitskiĩ, Roberto Capote, Satoshi Chiba, O. Serot, C. De Saint Jean, O. Litaize, G. Noguere
2013 EPJ Web of Conferences  
A dispersive coupled-channel optical model potential (DCCOMP) that couples the ground-state rotational and low-lying vibrational bands of 238 U and 232 Th nuclei is studied. The derived DCCOMP couples almost all excited levels below 1 MeV of excitation energy of the corresponding even-even actinides. The ground state, octupole, beta, gamma, and non-axial bands are coupled. The first two isobar analogue states (IAS) populated in the quasi-elastic (p,n) reaction are also coupled in the proton
more » ... ced calculation, making the potential approximately Lane consistent. The coupled-channel potential is based on a soft-rotor description of the target nucleus structure, where dynamic vibrations are considered as perturbations of the rigid rotor underlying structure. Matrix elements required to use the proposed structure model in Tamura coupled-channel scheme are derived. Calculated ratio R(U238/T h232) of the total cross-section difference to the averaged σ T for 238 U and 232 Th nuclei is shown to be in excellent agreement with measured data. Dispersive coupled-channel optical model potential with full coupling Nucleon-nucleus optical model calculations are a solution of the quantum-mechanics scattering problem. Improvement of optical model predictions implies addressing the following three areas of work: a
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20134202005 fatcat:pzvvr4nlzfgy7nhyefmwcbi4tm