A Review of the Literature on Teaching and Learning Environments

Robert Häusler, Chris Bernhardt, Sascha Bosse, Klaus Turowski
2019 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
In the fields of research and education, knowledge is being generated continuously and made available worldwide through digital transformation. Expert interviews with the employees of an education service provider have shown that lecturers in system-based education are increasingly overstrained with the amount and the diversity of teaching materials. The identified problems impair (continuing) education and thus adversely affects the teaching quality. Different approaches in the area of
more » ... and learning environments (TLEs) attempt to solve individual problems in isolation. However, these approaches have not yet been brought together in a structured way or integrated into a common concept. In the context of this paper, a structured literature review on TLEs is conducted. Existing concepts are presented and analyzed. LOM standards, meta-objects, hierarchization and reusability provide promising approaches to solve the identified problems. In further research works, the summarized concepts and the integration into an extensible meta-concept should be investigated.
dblp:conf/amcis/HauslerBBT19 fatcat:s2unl7ixmbfijnt7mkpekccp3q