effect of rusavastatin on glycemic index in hypercholesterolemic adult male rats

Sarah M. Al.Shammary, Sura S. Hassan, Aussama A. Almulla
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
The present experiment was investigated to study the effect of Rosuvastatin on glycemic index in rats that exposed to hypercholesterolemia. Sixteen matured male rats it was used in that study, were arbitrary chose and identically grouped up in to two coteries as follows C, T. They were dosed by oral intubation (daily) for 42 days as follows; C: control group, were supplied distillated water by dosing needle, T: animals of this group were given Rosuvastatin statin 0.3mg/kg/day/kg/day + 10 g\day
more » ... holesterol within diet orally. The daily supplementation of statin enhance i a significant increase in glucose concentration and insulin resistance, also there was significant decrease in insulin hormone & in IGF-1 in (T) group as compared to control group respectively. Moreover, the histopathological examination showed that clear space of fatty degeneration in cardiac muscle fiber, also cross section of liver showed vacuolar degeneration in the hepatocytes with inflammatory cells infiltration around blood vessels in addition to few fatty vacuoles. In conclusion, the results from this investigation approve that rosuvastatin supplementation to rats has an bad effect on heart muscle and hepatic portal system in hypercholesterolemic infected rats.
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6ns5.10040 fatcat:fqcdumzpqnhppgtmekurtuvi2q