Proposal of a methodology for accessibility projects on urban roads and places / Proposta de uma metodologia para projetos de acessibilidade em estradas e lugares urbanos

Ariane Roberti Plotze, Simone Andrea Furegatti, Luttgardes de Oliveira Neto
2021 Brazilian Journal of Development  
A study of the current accessibility legislation was carried out in order to obtain a clear assessment of the physical aspects of an urban region, given the importance of accessible spaces for integration of the general people, based on the survey of the positive and negative points of roads and public places. From these studies, a systematization of activities was proposed to favor design interventions and corrections in accordance with the ABNT Technical Standards. The methodology is composed
more » ... by identification e register files of the accessibility conditions, the analysis of post-occupation assessment carried out, postposed by the elaboration of an architectural-landscape-urban project. The main objective of eliminating architectural barriers, promoting safety and movement without interferences, in addition to optimizing of urban place use is completed.
doi:10.34117/bjdv7n12-448 fatcat:iujfy7x5znhrppzypvybfew4di