Some Foundational Issues in Quantum Information Science [chapter]

Amitabha Gupta
2021 Topics on Quantum Information Science [Working Title]  
This chapter has three Parts. Part 1 attempts to analyze the concept "information" (in some selected contexts where it has been used) in order to understand the consequences of representing and processing information, quantum mechanically. There are at least three views on 'Information' viz., 'Semantic Naturalism', 'the Quantum Bayesian Approach' and 'Information is Physical' approach. They are then critically examined and at last one is given preference. Part 2 of the chapter then goes on to
more » ... scuss the manner in which the study and quantification of "Qubit" (Quantum bit), Superposition and Entanglement, comprise the three pillars of Quantum Information Science and enable the discipline to develop the theory behind applications of quantum physics to the transmission and processing of information. In Part 3 we take up the issue that although it might appear bewildering, the physical approach to Quantum Information Science is equally proficient in dealing with its impact on the questions of "consciousness," "freewill" and biological questions in the area known as "bioinformatics."
doi:10.5772/intechopen.98769 fatcat:4fd6ei4hcra47l7bvlitldwsty